

ServiceNow makes the world work better for everyone. ServiceNow’s cloud-based platform and solutions enable digital workflows that help organizations work better, faster and smarter. ServiceNow is active worldwide and supports 85% of Fortune 500® companies.

ServiceNow’s Now Platform is a unified platform designed specifically for a rapidly changing world and is designed to streamline processes, make work more intuitive and create new value. Through workflows, ServiceNow supports companies in accelerating digital transformation by implementing resilient, cost-effective, and secure technology. In addition, it offers a unified experience for the hybrid workforce and a seamless experience for customers by also providing low-code, artificial intelligence and hyperautomation tools. July 2023 also saw the unveiling of new capabilities in generative artificial intelligence, case summarization and text-to-code, which can further increase speed, productivity, and value.

Technological innovation and continuous improvement are the cornerstones and key to the success of ServiceNow, which invests 25% of its revenue in R&D, a figure of $7 billion in 2022. This commitment to cutting-edge innovation enables the company to grow at an average annual rate of 30% and to project revenues to 11 billion in 2024 and 16 billion in 2026.

With more than 1,600 customers and 21,000 employees worldwide, ServiceNow has been named to the FORTUNE® 100 Best Companies to Work For™ 2023 list and has been recognized as the Glassdoor Best Places to Work 2023. Globally, ServiceNow is also very active in training and RiseUp with ServiceNow is the program designed to train one million people in the use of the ServiceNow platform by 2024.

In Italy, ServiceNow has been operating since 2013 with offices in Milan and Rome and has always been committed to supporting employees through programs that help their well-being, sense of belonging and life outside the office, also offering development and training activities. Thanks to this commitment it received the prestigious ‘Great Place To Work’ award in early 2023.