Luigi Paganetto

Luigi Paganetto


University of Rome Tor Vergata

Luigi Paganetto is an Italian economist; Professor Emeritus; Honorary President of the Tor Vergata Foundation; Coordinator of the project “Group of 20 – How to Revitalize Anemic Europe”; Professor of European Economy at the Tor Vergata University; Secretary General of the Villa Mondragone Economic Development Association; Member of the Scientific Committee of the Center of Study Confindustria; Board Member of Bruegel; Foreign Member of The Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University.

Former Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Risk Committee for the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A.; Dean of the Faculty of Economics – University of Rome Tor Vergata; President of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment – ENEA; Secretary General of the International Economic Association – IEA; Economic consultant of Jiangsu, Nanjing Government-China; Member of the High Level Group for the Lisbon objectives (Kok Group for the Lisbon strategies) – European Commission; Vice President of the National Research Council – CNR; Italian representative in the OECD Committee for Economic Policy.

Moreover, he has been: Non-resident Senior Fellow Global Economy and Development Program – The Brookings Institution; Member of Scientific Committee of the Court of Auditors; Member of the Board of Directors of Italian National Statistical Institute – ISTAT; Member of the Group of Experts of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking – European Commission; Member of Council of Experts – Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Member Group of Experts of the Information Society – Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Member of the Board of the Diplomatic Institute of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Member of the Scientific Council of the Italian Trade & Investment Agency – ICE.

Author of articles and books in the fields of Macroeconomics, European economics, International economics, Global Change, Sustainable and inclusive growth, Technology and Automation challenges, Digital and Energy transitions.