Romano Giglioli

Ordinary Professor of Energy and Electronic System

University of Pisa

Graduated with honors in Electrical Engineering in 1976, and subsequently carried out his career at the University of Pisa. From 1994 to 2021 she was Full Professor holding the chairs of “Electrical Systems for Energy and Energy Technology and Economics”. He is currently a “non-tenured” Professor maintaining research activities in collaboration with the University.

Over time he took on the role of Department Director and Board Member of the University of Pisa In collaboration with public and private research structures, both national and international, it has contributed, with theoretical and experimental studies, to the innovation and development of systems and devices for the production, transport and storage systems of energy and energy conversion systems , as well as transport systems with electric and hybrid propulsion.

The research activity is demonstrated by over 150 publications and the ownership of some patents for devices used in the energy systems sector. Over time, he has assumed the role of board member of the Tuscany Energy Consortium, the ENSIEL Interuniversity Consortium, the ITALCERTIFER company, the CEI, the PromoPa foundation and numerous other scientific and management coordination roles in public and private structures.

He has been Italian delegate for European Mirror Group of TP-SmartGrids. Member of support commissions of the ministries of University, Economic Development, CIACE (Presidency of the Council) and the Tuscany Region for energy policy aspects.